Jan 6, 2009

Day 6

WOW nearly a week - and still going...minus the sick day! :)

Zachary got a "computer" for Christmas, thanks to my dad. He loves it, we just got it set up last night...he's got a new desk, new "computer" IN his room - gosh, what a cool thing for a 5 year old. It's called "Cool School" - it hooks up to a "real" computer, but once your in the system you cant get out with out a password - so he cant "access" the "real" computer with out me, thus saving the computer!

He does not mind, he says he's "sending email," and he's working on his letters, numbers, drawing, math and more. He loves it!

Now, he's got the Click Start (computer), Leapster (hand held) and the V-Tech (game that hooks up to the TV) ACK!

Poor Aubrey - she came home sick today - darn tummy stuff keeps going around!


  1. such cute kids! love the shots! hope your dd is feeling better in the morning...poor thing!

  2. Go techie boy!!! Way to get connected!
    Hope Aubrey's feeling better soon. (btw...LOVE her glasses)

  3. Very cute!!! We have thought about getting Ry one of those. He uses one of our old laptops to play Thomas, Deigo, etc.


  4. Looks like somebody is very happy with the new computer. Sorry about your daughter coming home sick.

  5. That is super cool! Hope your daughter gets to feeling better. She is has a very beautiful smile.

  6. You're daughter is lovely and Zachary looks like quite the character lol
