Jan 20, 2009

Day 20


I am getting sick, well, I think I am sick (those that know me would say I am always sick, in the head). But my throat is killing me, got a nice runny noise and sneezing constantly. So, today was spent watching the inauguration with the kids, though they did not seem to be taking it all in like I was...I even teared up at different parts though out the day...what a glorious day in our nations history - I am proud to be part of it, though I wish I was there (though, living in Northern VA and seeing all the people, it was crazy but I would have been there in a heart beat if I knew someone else crazy enough to want to go too!)

So we were snug as a bug in a rug - watching and enjoying...

The kids even watched some of it...

Zachary kinda got into it...for a little bit...

But they also played and I braided Aubrey's hair for her...


  1. These are lovely photos. I really like their intent expression in your first photo. You always have the best lighting in your photos. Are you using fill flash or do you just have marvelous lighting at your house?

  2. Jane, I use flash - our house does not have much natural lighting at all, some but not alot, so I use a flash bounced behind me. Thank you, I also love there intense expression - they are so cute together (sometimes)

  3. You have beautiful kids.

  4. You have beautiful children and take beautiful portraits!
