Can anyone tell that the kids are the light's of my life? My joy and sometimes, it feels like at least, the one true meaning for being on this earth?
My kids, drive me nuts, they sometimes are constantly NEEDY, they whine alot, they are always wanting something -
And yet, more than I could ever explain I love them...there silliness, there kindness, the way they wrinkle there little noses up at me when they think I am being nuts. Even the way they pout, or when they get upset.
I love it all, I treasure it all...and when they grace me with the opportunity to photograph them my heart sings - because not only do I get the chance to "hang with them" even if just for one photo - I get the chance to remember a memory, and to one day when they are older share that memory with them.
My kids - silly, crazy, amazing - and growing up to fast!